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Paid advertising

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of China, the significance of paid advertising on social media cannot be overstated. As the world's largest online market, China presents a vast and intricate network of users across various platforms, making strategic paid advertising an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to establish a compelling online presence. With a tailored approach to target audiences, paid social media campaigns in China hold the potential to exponentially amplify brand visibility, foster engagement, and drive tangible results. This introduction delves into the pivotal role that paid advertising plays in unlocking the doors to China's bustling online market, allowing businesses to tap into its immense potential and forge meaningful connections with their desired audience.

Your local partner

We ignite your brand's reach with paid advertising in China. Seamlessly infiltrate the digital landscape, capturing the attention of millions and propelling your message to the forefront. Maximize exposure, spark curiosity, and forge connections that resonate across this dynamic online realm.

We take care of everything from campaign setup to reporting. Paid advertising if often done in connection with social media management and integrated campaigns, as paid advertising is a key tool to grow readership and following of social media accounts. 

We run paid advertising on all major social media and search platforms in China and make sure campaigns are targeted and optimized to the desired objective whether its exposure, gain followers, conversions or something else entirely.

Campaign setup

We help you register, verify and setup accounts on all major advertising platforms. 

We also help connect to Social CRM systems. This will help target more precisely and collect data on followers, 


Once campaigns are set up, the real work begins. We continuously perform A/B split tests to optimize parameters such as targeting, creative, landing pages, etc.

Strategy and reporting

We have regular performance reviews with our clients where we go over the performance of all campaigns as well as measures that are taken or will be taken to improve performance. 

Our services

We work with all major platforms

The social media landscape in China is completely different from the West. Platforms have developed in isolation from the international eco system since Western platforms are censored in China. Below is an overview of some of the Chinese social media platforms we work with.



The ubiquitous social media in China with over 1.2 billion users.

The platform is touches upon almost all aspects of everyday life. Messaging, sharing, payments, utilities, taxis, etc. 

An official presence on WeChat is a must.



With almost 600 million users, Weibo is an important part of the social media eco stystem.

Weibo is know for the virality of its content and is in many ways comparable to Twitter.

Xiaohongshu (RED)

Xiaohongshu (RED)

​Often described as China's Instagram, Xiaohongshu's over 300 million users come here for inspiration and sharing their everyday life.

Xiaohongshu is an ideal place to engage with influencers, who are very active on the platform.



The Chinese counterpart to TikTok. It has fast grown to be one of the most popular social media platforms in China.

Short video is the name of the game, and it is an ideal place to engage with influencers and followers.



Can be compared to a mix between YouTube and Twich. Where Douyin is the king of short videos, Bilibili focuses on long-form video content.

Starting out as an anime platform, Bilibili has evolved and is now a diverse and mature video platform.

Meituan Dianping

Meituan Dianping

​China's number one consumer and lifestyle platform. It features consumer reviews, vouchers, influencer interaction, etc.

This is the go-to platform when exploring the city and an excellent tool to boost O2O.

WeChat mini programs

WeChat mini programs

WeChat mini programs are apps that open within WeChat. They can be used for a wide range of functions such as ecommerce, loyalty programs etc.

They are easily shared across WeChat's ecosystem and open instantly without download.



Tmall dominates the ecommerce industry in China. Brands who are serious about doing business in China should be present on Tmall.

It is not an easy platform to navigate, and it is important to make sure that all marketing activities are coordinated.

We work with

Get in touch


Frederiksgade 74C, 8000 Aarhus C

For inquiries, contact Niels Christian Flintholm

+45 24280912


Huaihai m. rd. 517, A1005, Huangpu District, Shanghai

For inquiries, contact Bjørn Ingwar Karlsen

+86 131 6602 9423


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